ghanimasun wrote in theartshow Jun 20, 2012 22:43
&fandom: parks & recreation, &fandom: miranda, !graphic: icon(s), &fandom: fringe, &fandom: community
oswin wrote in theartshow Jun 03, 2012 19:29
&fandom: dawson's creek, &fandom: miranda, &fandom: fringe, &fandom: glee, &fandom: skins, !graphic: picspam(s), !graphic: banner(s)
word_never_said wrote in theartshow Oct 16, 2011 12:08
&fandom: downtown abbey, &fandom: miranda, !graphic: icon(s), &fandom: game of thrones, &fandom: castle, !graphic: tumblr(s), !graphic: animated gif(s), celeb: michael fassbender, &fandom: pride and prejudice, &fandom: merlin, &fandom: gossip girl